Bases de datos en farmacología y terapéutica

The arrival of computer-based databases and their influence in clinical research is the starting point of this round table held on November 23, 1995 at the Princesa Sofía hotel of Barcelona. Moderated by José Elguero, from the Medical Chemistry Institute of the CSIC (High Council for Scientific Research), and by Susana Pérez Gutthann, from the…


Applications of pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling in anesthesiology

The lecture Applications of pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling in anesthesiology inaugurated the Academic Year 1995-1996 of the Catalan Society of Pharmacology. Held at the Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands on November 8, 1995, the lecture was imparted by Dr. Pedro L. Gambas, from the Department of Anesthesia of the Stanford University School…