New perspectives on immunotherapy

New perspectives on immunotherapy

Addressing developments in immunotherapy within a multidisciplinary approach was the objective of the Round Table organized by Esteve Foundation Barcelona on April 29th. Attending were eleven experts from different fields and institutions who presented their latest research in this field. Manel Juan, from the Immunology Department at Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, was in charge of moderating…


11th edition – Palma de Mallorca, April, 13-14 2011

The European Higher Education Area, better known as the Bologna Plan, is a major challenge for university teachers. The new system places the student at the center of the teaching process, emphasizing self-directed learning where the student is the protagonist and not merely passive recipient of knowledge. The new teaching methods, among which can be found…


1st edition – Barcelona, April, 4-5 2011

If standing up and speaking in front of an audience is a source of anxiety, the stress is heightened even more when the official language of the conference, meeting or congress is English. On the 4th and 5th of April 2011, the Esteve Foundation added a new course to its training program with the first…