12th Award: Cannabinoid modulation of hippocampal long-term memory is mediated by mTOR signaling

The 12th Esteve Foundation Research Prize has been awarded to Emma Puighermanal, the first author on an article from the research group ofRafael Maldonado (Neuropharmacology Laboratory, Pompeu Fabra University) published in Nature Neuroscience in September 2009.The title of the paper was Cannabinoid modulation of hippocampal long-term memory is mediated by mTOR signaling and it was considered by the international jury that…


15th edition – Barcelona, June, 7-8 2011

When speaking in front of an audience, only 15% of what actually reaches the public corresponds to the spoken message. In contrast, more than half the information retained by listeners lies in nonverbal communication. Indeed, the lecturer’s posture, gesture and eye gaze tell a lot more on how he/she feels than mere words. These courses…