5th edition- Barcelona, 22 and 23 January 2015

After four consecutive years at the Instituto RTVE of Madrid, on 22 and 23 October 2015, the course El científico ante los medios de comunicación (The scientist and the media) was held at the Sant Cugat TVE studios, for scientists to gain an in-depth view of an editorial staff. Once again organized by the Esteve Foundation, Indagando TV, the CSIC and…


26th edition – Terrassa, January, 20-21 2015

When speaking in front of an audience, only 15% of what actually reaches the public corresponds to the spoken message. In contrast, more than half the information retained by listeners lies in nonverbal communication. Indeed, the lecturer’s posture, gesture and eye gaze tell a lot more on how he/she feels than mere words. These courses…