Manual de traducción inglés-español de protocolos de ensayos clínicos

The protocol is the detailed written record of the method used in clinical trial and it has a decisive influence on the study’s quality and reliability of results. Even though it is a scientific document, it is aimed at a wide range of readers, from the most specialized to the most general. Translation should involve…


Eponímia mèdica catalana II

An eponym (from the Greek, eponymos, meaning “appointed by” or “a because of”), according to Diccionario Enciclopédico de Medicina, is the name given to a disease, symptom, anatomical accident, intervention, etc., derived from the person who is credited with the discovery or description first. Following the publication of the first volume in 2004, Josep-Eladi Bañosand Elena Guardiola, from…


La información científica en los telediarios españoles

Following the sequencing of the human genome, the SARS outbreak and therapeutic cloning, the debates on science journalism organized by the Esteve Foundation this time focused on an unpublished study on major Spanish television channels’ coverage of scientific news. This research was carried out by the Group for Advanced Study of Communication at theUniversidad Rey…


Presentaciones orales en biomedicina

In 2005, the Esteve Foundation launched a new Training seminar on how to make a good oral presentation in the field of biomedicine. This new booklet brings together for the first time in Spanish some general recommendations that should be considered in order to make a good oral communication in the scientific field. The communication…


Guide to the Medicinal Plants of Maghreb

The phenomenon of immigration has presented a challenge for health professionals, not only regarding communication problems, but also in relation to the traditional customs for the treatment of diseases prevalent in the countries of origin. A large percentage of immigrants to Spain come from the Maghreb, where the use of medicinal plants in folk medicine…


La redacción médica como profesión

The figure of the medical writer is quite unknown. It is a thriving profession in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, in communications in the health area and in publishing; however, even within these areas the primary duties of the writer are unknown as are the types of documents that benefit from their highly specialized work. This publication by…


El enfermo como sujeto activo en la terapéutica

Full document Entire document [wpdm id=471 type=”btn”] Chapters Introducción S. Erill [wpdm id=472 type=”btn”] Participantes [wpdm id=473 type=”btn”] 1. Síntesis del debate P. Morales / L. Rosich [wpdm id=474 type=”btn”] 2. Cinco puntos de vista A. Alonso / G. Cavanna / M. Domènech / G. Permanyer / J. Ramírez [wpdm id=475 type=”btn”] Anexo: Carta de…


Redacció científica en biomedicina: el que cal saber-ne

Publish or perish. This is the maxim whereby scientists are compelled to publish the results of their investigations if they are to achieve relevance in their professional environment. In fact, it is said that no research is over until it is written down on paper. However, despite the importance of publication in the career of…

Cómo elaborar folletos de salud destinados a los pacientes

Full document Entire document M.B. Mayor [wpdm id=447 type=”btn”] Chapters Introducción M.B. Mayor [wpdm id=448 type=”btn”] 1. Factores extralinguísticos de los folletos de salud M.B. Mayor [wpdm id=449 type=”btn”] 2. Cómo elaborar un folleto de salud: Recomendaciones M.B. Mayor [wpdm id=451 type=”btn”] 3. Actividades de aprendizaje M.B. Mayor [wpdm id=452 type=”btn”] Apéndice 1: Resumen de…


Doce mujeres en la biomedicina del siglo XX

This new publication by the Esteve Foundation compiles the scientific submissions and the biographies of twelve top-rank female scientists. However, this publication is not merely a collection of the findings that made them become part of the history of medicine –seven of them were Nobel prize winners– but also an account of the obstacles they had…