Biotecnología de aplicación farmacéutica

The advances in biotechnology are due to the better knowledge of the nature of live organisms and to the technological capacity developed to alter their genetic information. The aim of the round table organized by the Esteve Foundation in 1989 and of this publication was to analyze the scientific development of biotechnology in the pharmaceutical…


Perspectivas terapéuticas en la esclerosis múltiple

One of the diseases affecting the central nervous system that most interests the scientific community is multiple sclerosis. Although it was described by Charcot more than a century ago, many aspects of this disease remain unsolved. It is still a condition of unknown etiology and difficult diagnosis, whose evolution is often unpredictable and which lacks…


Tratamiento de datos en farmacología

In this Dr. Antonio Esteve’s Monograph, some of the aspects related to the quantitative analysis of results in pharmacology, as submitted by different Spanish scientists in a round table held in Barcelona in May 1988, are reviewed and updated. Topics like the analysis of the response to agonistic drugs, receptor binding and discrimination studies or…


Investigación básica y medicina clínica

The objective of this monograph, which gathers the submissions and discussions of a round table held in Barcelona in 1987, was to introduce recently graduated doctors to the links between basic research and clinical practice. For that purpose, a series of researchers that combined both tasks disclosed the investigational work done. The objective was no…


Bases del tratamiento de las intoxicaciones agudas

Acute poisoning has two peculiar characteristics: the great diversity of possible toxic agents and the necessity of immediate treatment for it to be useful. That is why Antitoxic Centers –with a whole chapter dedicated in this monograph– are so important. Other aspects are also analyzed, like the introductory topic (Acute poisoning in Spain. Incidence and…


Aspectos biológicos de los síndromes depresivos

Depressive syndromes are probably the most destructive group of mental diseases in terms of incidence, mortality and economic cost. Given our society’s conditions, this situation is not likely to change. This monograph results from the round table held in Barcelona in 1987, where some biological aspects of depressive syndromes in the light of the monoaminergic…


Un glosario para farmacólogos

This translation into Spanish of A Pharmacologists’ Glossary, by Desmond Laurence, professor of Pharmacology and Therapeutics of the University College of London and I.C. Shaw, professor of Toxicology of the same university, is a useful tool. Rather than a thorough compilation of the huge quantity of terms and definitions that form today’s pharmacological vocabulary, this glossary attempts to…


Contribución del biólogo a la farmacología en España

The exact contribution of biologists to pharmacology in Spain, the limitations they encounter and the perspectives they are offered are some of the questions raised in Dr. Antonio Esteve’s Monograph number 3. This monograph results from the round table held in Barcelona on this topic, and involved the collaboration of the Official Association of Biologists…


Problemas que se plantean en el tratamiento de infecciones graves por S. aureus

This monograph contains several issues related to the pathology induced by S. Aureus, including the study of its structure and its particularities of action, the role of carriers, phaga spp. and their importance, the epidemiological variations through the years, its clinical manifestations in bone and skin, the particularities of its septic pictures, and its resistance…


El hospital de día y su repercusión en terapéutica

In 1984, the Esteve Foundation initiated the publication of Dr. Antonio Esteve’s Monographs, with the objective of gathering the works of round tables focusing on hot topics in Spain, from a multidisciplinary point of view whenever possible. The topic chosen for the first volume of this collection was daycare hospitalization, by that time scarcely implemented…