Health conversations: Sonia Villapol

The researcher, author of one of the most exhaustive studies on the permanent effects of the coronavirus, will speak live on EL PERIÓDICO’s social networks. The scientist will answer questions from readers about the confirmed facts and open questions about the persistent covid. Her intervention is the third of the Health Conversations of the Women…


¿Por qué la lava no funde el propio volcán?

La pared encajante está formada por un material volcánico más antiguo y con un punto de fusión mayor. Además, influye la presión y la conductividad térmica ROSA MARÍA MATEOS | Artículo original Estamos viendo estos días, en la erupción del nuevo volcán de La Palma, cómo la lava arrasa con lo que encuentra a su paso…


Catalan physicians’ contributions to medicine: a historical view through eponyms

In medicine, it is common to name physical symptoms, syndromes or diseases after those personalities who first described them. It is what is known as eponyms. For almost 20 years, the Dr. Antoni Esteve Foundation has compiled a hundred contributions from Catalan doctors to the history of medicine thanks to the work of doctors Elena…