Articles and others

This section contains all publications and articles subsequent to an activity or publication from the Esteve Foundation that do not fit customary publishing formats. They may include articles published in different biomedical journals or in the media, or documents with final conclusions of activities like seminars or workgroups. You can order a hard copy of the publication…


A science education project: the translation into Catalan and publication of the book Your Amazing Immune System – How it Protects Your Body

Despite the importance of immunology and immune system function for understanding how the human body deals with infection, little has been done to educate the general public about these subjects. For this reason, in 2010 the Esteve Foundation collaborated with the Societat Catalana d’Immunologia (SCI, Catalan Immunology Society) and the European Federation of Immunological Societies…


El científico ante los medios de comunicación. Retos y herramientas para una cooperación fructífera

Full document Full PDF [wpdm id=1202 type=”btn”] Chapters Presentación P. Morales [wpdm id=1203 type=”btn”] Participantes [wpdm id=1204 type=”btn”] 1. Protagonistas y públicos de la comunicación científica V. de Semir [wpdm id=1205 type=”btn”] 2. Periodismo científico: el desafío de compartir «información asombrosa» P. Jáuregui [wpdm id=1206 type=”btn”] 3. Ciencia y periodismo en la red P. Fernández…


El aprendizaje basado en problemas en sus textos. Ejemplos de su empleo en biomedicina

Full document Full PDF M. Carrió / LA. Branda / JE. Baños [wpdm id=1186 type=”btn”] Chapters Prólogo AO. Bosch [wpdm id=1187 type=”btn”] Presentación M. Carrió / LA. Branda / JE. Baños [wpdm id=1188 type=”btn”] Colaboradores [wpdm id=1189 type=”btn”] 1. El abc del ABP – Lo esencial del aprendizaje basado en problemas LA. Branda [wpdm id=1190…


Bioestadística para periodistas y comunicadores

If interpreting a statistic or research is often difficult for health professionals, the task can become be even more difficult for journalists reporting on science. In the field of health there is little certainty, everything is a possibility, and one of the basic functions of the reporter is to clearly explain this uncertainty. Precisely because…


El periodismo biomédico en la era 2.0

Approximately 4,000 layoffs and 70 closures of media organizations in 2012 alone. This is the bleak picture that currently faces journalists, according to the Federation of Journalists in Spain. These cutbacks in the media have also particularly affected biomedical journalists, a group that has traditionally been on the margins, who in recent years have witnessed…