The origins and shaping of modern anti-infective therapy

The germ theory of disease was initiated in the 19th century by Louis Pasteur. Lord Lister promoted the idea of antisepsis while Semmelweis focused on hand washing identifying the spread of infection by objects (in this case contaminated hands) moving from infected patient to uninfected ones. This gave the conceptual basis for infectious disease and its management and set the stage for development of modern anti-infective therapy, one of the major medical advances of the 20th century.


From clinical research to clinical pharmacology

Modern clinical researchers, and in particular those involved in clinical trials, are completely knowledgeable with the concepts of comparators, double blind, randomization, placebos, statistical analysis and many others that have become almost common words in everyday language. However, probably not all of them have had the opportunity to assist, through the relevant references, to the…


Papers that shaped Pharmacoepidemiology

Pharmacoepidemiology, the application of epidemiological methods and data to evaluate the use and effects of therapeutics, finds itself at a crucial moment. For a long time, pharmacoepidemiology studies have served an important role in evaluating the safety of therapeutic agents as used in the population. Now, therapeutic risk management initiatives across the world have started…


Cancer pharmacodynamics and pharmacogenetics

In its fifth volume, the Esteve Foundation Series Pharmacotherapy revisited has gathered the facsimile edited main articles published between 1980 and 2000 on cancer pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics. Edited by William E. Evans and Mary V. Relling, from the Department of Pharmaceutic Sciences of the Hospital St. Jude Children of Memphis, United States, this compilation gathers in one single publication some of the most important advances reached in the field of cancer research and cancer patient treatment.


Kinetics of drug action in disease states

Kinetics of drug action in diseases states is the fourth volume of Pharmacotherapy Revisited: an Esteve Foundation Series. Gerhard Levy, from the State University of New York in Buffalo, compiled 44 articles published in different journals of this specialty. These facsimile editions develop several aspects related to the kinetic study of drugs in experimental models…


Selected publications shaping psychopharmacology as a discipline

The third volume of Pharmacology Revisited: an Esteve Foundation Series gathers 33 articles related to psychopharmacology. In Selected publications shaping psychopharmacology as a discipline, professor Edward F. Domino, from the Department of Pharmacology of the University of Michigan, compiled the most relevant texts in this field published in journals like The Lancet, Pharmacology & Toxicology or The Medical Journal of Australia. As is usual in this Esteve Foundation’s series, a facsimile edition of these articles is provided.


Pharmacokinetics: Development of an exquisitely practical science

Around 30 articles which contributed in an exceptional manner to the huge progress of pharmacokinetics are included in the second volume of Pharmacotherapy Revisited: an Esteve Foundation Series, under the title Pharmacokinetics: development of an exquisitely practical science. This time, the most relevant articles were selected by Patrick du Souich, from the Department of Pharmacology…


Clinical pharmacology through the pen of Louis Lasagna

Dr. Louis Lasagna’s contribution to fostering clinical pharmacology is unquestionable. After graduating from Rutgers University in 1943 and earning his doctor’s degree four years later from Columbia University, Dr. Lasagna revolutionized the world of medicinal products. As from the mid-fifties, he investigated the influence of the placebo effect in the efficacy of drugs by means…