Scientific publishing

Publications are the final result of scientific activity, which also allow to evaluate the overall research process. Scientific articles always have well-defined structures and formalisms delimited by several rules and procedures stablished by journals. Editors are scientific paper reviewers who seek to guarantee both structural and scientific coherence of publications. Some associations of medical editors and useful…

Biomedical ethics

Bioethics and Biomedical Ethics is the systematic study of human conduct in the area of life sciences and healthcare, insofar as this conduct is examined in the light of moral values and principles [Encyclopedia of Bioethics of Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute, 1978].   American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH): The American Society for…


Matemáticas para mirar dentro del cuerpo humano

Una nueva técnica emplea una serie de electrodos en la piel para evitar introducir objetos en el cuerpo del paciente ÁGATA TIMÓN / NOTICIA MATERIA En el Congreso Internacional de Matemáticos de 1998, Gunther Uhlmann (Universidad de Washington, EE UU) llamó la atención sobre un viejo problema del argentino Alberto Calderón en el que se…