Els misteris del sistema immunitari. Com protegeix el nostre cos

In 2008, The Japanese Immunology Foundation published a book to help young people aged 10 to 14 years better understand the functioning of the immune system. After being impressed by its educational potential, European researchers decided to finance an English translation of the book. Your Amazing immune system was published in 2009 by the European…


Marcovitch H, et al. Conflict of Interest in Science Communication: More than a Financial Issue. Report from Esteve Foundation Discussion Group. Croat Med J. 2010; 51:7-15

A systematic review and meta-analysis suggests that around 2% of scientists admit to have falsified research at least once. Up to 33% admit other questionable practices as plagiarism, duplicate publication, undisclosed changes in pre-research protocols or dubious ethical behaviour. There can be no doubt that discovered cases of research and publication misconduct represent a tip…


Mateu Orfila. Investigación y ciencia 2009; Agosto:96

The prestigious journal Investigación y ciencia, spanish edition of Scientific American, devoted the last page of the August issue of 2009 to the Esteve Foundation Notebook Entre la ciencia y el crimen: Mateu Orfila y la toxicología en el siglo XIX.


La redacción médica como profesión

The figure of the medical writer is quite unknown. It is a thriving profession in sectors such as pharmaceuticals, in communications in the health area and in publishing; however, even within these areas the primary duties of the writer are unknown as are the types of documents that benefit from their highly specialized work. This publication by…


El enfermo como sujeto activo en la terapéutica

Full document Entire document [wpdm id=471 type=”btn”] Chapters Introducción S. Erill [wpdm id=472 type=”btn”] Participantes [wpdm id=473 type=”btn”] 1. Síntesis del debate P. Morales / L. Rosich [wpdm id=474 type=”btn”] 2. Cinco puntos de vista A. Alonso / G. Cavanna / M. Domènech / G. Permanyer / J. Ramírez [wpdm id=475 type=”btn”] Anexo: Carta de…


Redacció científica en biomedicina: el que cal saber-ne

Publish or perish. This is the maxim whereby scientists are compelled to publish the results of their investigations if they are to achieve relevance in their professional environment. In fact, it is said that no research is over until it is written down on paper. However, despite the importance of publication in the career of…