Medicina y medios de comunicación. Traducción al español de una serie publicada en ‘The Lancet’

Medicine and the Media gathers a series of articles published in The Lancet about the conflicts that arise when the two disciplines –science and journalism– converge and lead to sometimes difficult and unsatisfactory relationships. The aspects analyzed were: news value, sources and the issue of scientific fraud, the influence and power of the media, how medical TV programs…


Traducción y lenguaje en medicina

The richness of the medical language is too often disturbed by scientific writing and translation. Dr. Fernando Navarro, a trained clinical pharmacologist, has wide experience in the difficult task of translation. The monograph Translation and Language in Medicine gathers some of the articles published by Dr. Navarro in Medicina Clínica, which relate to linguistic conflicts that often impair…


The clinical pharmacology of sport and exercise

As antidoping controls have gained wide repercussion in the media on account of their performance in great contests, much talk has ensued regarding the misuse of drugs in sports. However, there is little discussion about the true effect of medicinal products on physical performance or about whether evidence of all possible drug-related effects on exercise…


Clinical pharmacology through the pen of Louis Lasagna

Dr. Louis Lasagna’s contribution to fostering clinical pharmacology is unquestionable. After graduating from Rutgers University in 1943 and earning his doctor’s degree four years later from Columbia University, Dr. Lasagna revolutionized the world of medicinal products. As from the mid-fifties, he investigated the influence of the placebo effect in the efficacy of drugs by means…


Fármacos y conducción de vehículos

The harmful effects of alcohol on driving are a recurring topic. In fact, the prevention measures applied by the authorities are exclusively directed to the detection of this substance in drivers. Medicinal products are of course not the main factor for accidentability. However, the availability of drugs that do not interfere with driving is of…


Bases de datos en farmacología y terapéutica

The apparition and use of computer databases meant a revolution at all levels of pharmacological research, from the molecular design of medicinal products to the assessment of their aspects in human populations, not to mention basic aspects like the fast, convenient access to results of already performed investigations. Database functions and advantages in pharmacology and…


Farmacología de los canales iónicos

This monograph, resulting from a round table held in Barcelona in 1994 and including 11 submissions, is focused on ion channels, their pharmacology and their therapeutic potential for the prevention, relief or cure of diseases. The meeting and this publication included the contributions of scientists involved in medical chemistry and in the development of new…