Casino G, Prados A, Bosch F. Articles on drugs in the Spanish press: How much information and what topics make the news? Prisma Social. 2020;31:190-211.

News about drugs is important for health professionals, businesses, and the general public. However, studies examining news articles about drugs are lacking. This paper uses content analysis to examine articles about drugs in 17 Spanish newspapers (13 general, two business, and two professional) from 2008 through 2017. On average, general and business newspapers published three…


Review and update of essential drug entries in the new Diccionari Enciclopèdic de Medicina (DEMCAT)

From the list that the World Health Organization compiled in 2019 with the drugs it considered essential, the Society of the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medicine (SOCDEMCAT) and the Dr. Antoni Esteve Foundation have collaborated with TERMCAT in the terminological review and updating of 200 terms related to pharmacology, including those that have been used in…


Practical guide for speakers with simultaneous interpretation

Speakers at international medical conferences know little about simultaneous interpreting, although it is essential for a correct transmission of the information presented at these events. As interpreters work on the basis of the speech that is given, the quality of the interpreted message depends to a large extent on the quality and suitability of said…


L’informe mèdic: com millorar-ne la redacció per facilitar-ne la comprensió

A medical report is a text written by a doctor about a patient’s care process, describing processes, tests, and observations in order to arrive at a proper diagnosis and treatment. Reports are excerpts from a person’s biography in which doctors describe their health. They also allow for the development of clinical and epidemiological studies, and…


Bosch F, du Souich P, Baños JE. Professor Sergi Erill Sáez (1938-2020): metge farmacòleg, docent, investigador, divulgador i gestor de la ciència. Annals de Medicina. 2020;103:92-96.

This article, published in the Annals de Medicina journal, is a review of the career of Sergio Erill Sáez (1938-2020), pioneer of clinical pharmacology in Spain and first director of the Dr. Antoni Esteve Foundation. Its current director, Fèlix Bosch, together with Patrick du Souich, from the department of pharmacology at the University of Montreal,…


Morales P, Bosch F. Empremta d’una tradició farmacèutica de segles en la Fundació Dr. Antoni Esteve. Gimbernat: Revista d’Història de la Medicina i de les Ciències de la Salut. 2020; 72:31-47

Dr Antoni Esteve Foundation has been sensitive to the history of science during its trajectory of almost four decades. This sensitivity has been transmitted by the pharmaceutical tradition of the Esteve lineage, whose origin dates back to the mid-18th century. This article reviews the highlights. Read the original article Read the English version


Catalán D, Peñafiel C, Terrón JL, coord. ¿Por qué la comunicación en salud es importante? Avances e investigación. Pamplona: Thomson Reuters Aranzadi; 2019.

La informació sobre salut als mitjans de comunicació convencionals i digitals adquireix cada cop més importància a la societat actual. Per altra banda, les investigacions en l’àmbit de la comunicació i la salut tenen més repercussió social. Igualment, la ciutadania mostra interès per polítiques sanitàries, avenços científics, hàbits saludables, etcètera. En aquest àmbit informatiu i…