Doce mujeres en la biomedicina del siglo XX

This new publication by the Esteve Foundation compiles the scientific submissions and the biographies of twelve top-rank female scientists. However, this publication is not merely a collection of the findings that made them become part of the history of medicine –seven of them were Nobel prize winners– but also an account of the obstacles they had…


Morales P, Bosch F. Hechos históricos de las sulfamidas divulgados por la prensa: el caso de ‘The New York Times’. Medicina Clínica 2007; 128:660-664

Sulphamides, the first drugs to be effective against a number of infectious diseases, arrived in the thirties to revolutionize the treatment of these conditions, until then highly fatal. This article, published in the journal Medicina Clínica, describes these drugs by way of pieces of information published throughout their history. This work compiles some of the…


From clinical research to clinical pharmacology

Modern clinical researchers, and in particular those involved in clinical trials, are completely knowledgeable with the concepts of comparators, double blind, randomization, placebos, statistical analysis and many others that have become almost common words in everyday language. However, probably not all of them have had the opportunity to assist, through the relevant references, to the…


Bosch F, Morales P. Necesidades formativas de los miembros de Comités Éticos de Investigación Clínica. ICB Digital 2005; 37:2-5

This article, published in the electronic journal ICB Digital, gathers the results of surveys performed with students attending initiation seminars on how Clinical Research Ethics Committees (CREC) operate, organized by the Esteve Foundation since 2001. These courses have been held throughout Spain on six occasions, and have led to different conclusions. One issue is identifying…


Bosch F, Morales P, Lucena MI, Baños JE. El reto de los cursos de formación para miembros de comités éticos de investigación clínica. Rev And Pat Digest 2005; 28:14-20

his article, published by the journal Revista Andaluza de Patología Digestiva, summarizes the experience of the initiation seminars on how Clinical Research Ethics Committees (CREC) operate, organized by the Esteve Foundation since 2001. These courses have been held throughout Spain on six occasions, with a total of 146 attendants. The main problems suffered by CRECs…


La investigación en un entorno asistencial. Algunas reflexiones y ejemplos

The problems and lacks encountered daily by professional researchers are many. Accordingly, convincing the new generations of physicians to combine healthcare activities with research duties seems to be no easy task. However, the Esteve Foundation organized a round table in July 2004 where physicians with years of combining basic research and clinical practice were to…