Dr. Esteve Foundation grants for medical translation

The Dr. Esteve Foundation , under a collaboration agreement with the Cosnautasplatform, announces the concession in 2016 of three grants for doctors and scientists interested in medical translation. These three complete grants are to attend the fourth edition of the summer course, Problems, methods and the latest questions in medical translation from the Universidad Internacional…

Definición de prioridades en las políticas de salud

What priorities should a government have in its health policies? Twelve experts in public health provide Spanish politicians with a roadmap to draw up the most effective policy in improving public health. Coordinated by the ex-director general of public health Ildefonso Hernández and published by the Esteve Foundation, the book Definición de prioridades en las políticas…


Forteza A, Gallego E, Baños JE, Bosch F. Análisis preliminar de la situación actual de las competencias en farmacología en los principales grados impartidos por universidades españolas. Informe interno. Barcelona: Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve; 2015.

After a study was carried out, the need was seen to update and standardize the competences in the subject of Pharmacology in Spanish universities.To do this, the Esteve Foundation will support a series of meetings between teaching experts in Pharmacology in order to reach an agreement on what these competences should be.The first meeting, with…


Philanthropy in R&I Bioscience

In Catalonia, the proportion of funding for science that comes from the government is higher than in the rest of Europe. This difference is due to lower levels of private investment in R&I and of philanthropy in research centres, hospitals, and universities. Whereas foundations, individual donations, and philanthropic investors account for about 5% of total…