Bioestadística para periodistas y comunicadores

If interpreting a statistic or research is often difficult for health professionals, the task can become be even more difficult for journalists reporting on science. In the field of health there is little certainty, everything is a possibility, and one of the basic functions of the reporter is to clearly explain this uncertainty. Precisely because…


El periodismo biomédico en la era 2.0

Approximately 4,000 layoffs and 70 closures of media organizations in 2012 alone. This is the bleak picture that currently faces journalists, according to the Federation of Journalists in Spain. These cutbacks in the media have also particularly affected biomedical journalists, a group that has traditionally been on the margins, who in recent years have witnessed…


Scientific communication

Science communication is part of a scientist’s everyday life. Scientists must give talks, write papers and proposals, communicate with a variety of audiences, and educate others. This practice can aim to either generate support for scientific research or study, or to inform decision making, including political and ethical thinking. Some associations for scientific communication and…


La información científica en los telediarios españoles

Following the sequencing of the human genome, the SARS outbreak and therapeutic cloning, the debates on science journalism organized by the Esteve Foundation this time focused on an unpublished study on major Spanish television channels’ coverage of scientific news. This research was carried out by the Group for Advanced Study of Communication at theUniversidad Rey…


Jornada sobre periodismo biomédico

For some time now, biomedical journalism has been facing a number of changes and challenges which, to say the least, are forcing it to review its objectives and raison d’être. Commonplace as it may be, the irruption of the Internet has shaken the foundations of this journalistic specialty, and of the whole media. Even so, the…


Debates sobre periodismo científico. En torno a la cobertura informativa del SARS

In 2003, information on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) was widely diffused in the media. The alarm spread on a possible global pandemic worldwide, particularly since the World Health Organization (WHO) made the unprecedented decision to warn against traveling to Western cities like Toronto. At that moment, SARS changed from being an isolated fact in…


Debates sobre periodismo científico. A propósito de la secuenciación del genoma humano: interacción de ciencia y periodismo

Science and journalism: two disciplines with a wide repercussion on society that parallel each other with different interests and objectives. However, when informational needs have them converge into one road called science journalism, their tortuous relationship becomes all the more evident. That is when two quite different languages –scientific and journalistic– cannot but come to…


Medicina y medios de comunicación. Traducción al español de una serie publicada en ‘The Lancet’

Medicine and the Media gathers a series of articles published in The Lancet about the conflicts that arise when the two disciplines –science and journalism– converge and lead to sometimes difficult and unsatisfactory relationships. The aspects analyzed were: news value, sources and the issue of scientific fraud, the influence and power of the media, how medical TV programs…