55th edition – Vic, 2023, October 3-4

Las publicaciones son el resultado último y evaluable de la actividad científica, y como tales, forman parte del proceso investigador. A pesar de ello, muy pocos investigadores han recibido formación específica sobre el proceso de publicar. Tradicionalmente, escribir ha sido, y sigue siendo, una pesadilla para muchos investigadores -sobre todo noveles, pero también para los…


54th edition – Sabadell, 2023, May 30-31

Las publicaciones son el resultado último y evaluable de la actividad científica, y como tales, forman parte del proceso investigador. A pesar de ello, muy pocos investigadores han recibido formación específica sobre el proceso de publicar. Tradicionalmente, escribir ha sido, y sigue siendo, una pesadilla para muchos investigadores -sobre todo noveles, pero también para los…


53rd edition – Barcelona, June, 15-16 2022

Publications are the final and evaluable result of the scientific activity and, as such, are part of the research process. However, very few scientific staff have received specific training on the publishing process. Traditionally, writing has been a nightmare for many professionals, especially novices but also for the more experienced, who have to communicate the…


How to improve scientific writing during the covid era

Publication in scientific journals has grown exponentially with the arrival of covid-19. Possibly never before a specific public health problem caused scientific attention of similar dimensions, all over the world and in such a short time. The need to write articles in the international language of science and, vice versa, the urgency to adapt the…


The future of scientific publications after COVID-19

According to PubMed, one of the main platforms for the search of scientific publications in the field of health sciences, between February 1 and November 30, 2020, more than 80,000 works related to COVID-19 were published, in its vast majority, in scientific journals. Possibly never before has a specific public health problem caused scientific attention…


Para aprender a escribir en ciencia, ¿es mejor la formación presencial o en línea?

FÈLIX BOSCH | Artículo original De entrada, estaremos de acuerdo en que cualquier profesional científico, biomédico y docente, debería tener unas mínimas competencias para comunicarse. Esto significa adquirir habilidades tanto en comunicación verbal como en comunicación escrita. Sin embargo, ¿dónde se aprenden estas competencias comunicativas? En nuestro entorno e incluso en Europa, aprender a comunicar…


14th edition – Vigo, October, 19-21 2022

Biomedical professionals need to be able to communicate their research proposals and findings effectively in writing. However, most professionals receive little specific training in scientific writing. Many have mistaken views about what good writing is and how to achieve it. Writing in a language that is not your mother tongue makes it even more difficult…