8th Award: An anorexic lipid mediator regulated by feeding

This prize, offered biennially by the Esteve Foundation to the best work on pharmacological research, was awarded this year to the study An anorexic lipid mediator regulated by feeding, published in Nature (2001; 414:209-12). In this work, the main contribution was the discovery of Oleylethanolamide, a hormone that prevents the ingestion of more food than is necessary.…


5th edition – Donostia, June, 3-4 2003

That was the fifth training seminar for members of the Spanish Research Ethics Committees. It was held in Donostia (San Sebastián, Spain), 3-4 June 2003. Dr. Josep-E. Baños (Department of Experimental and Health Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) and Dr. Maria Isabel Lucena (Department of Pharmacology, University of Malaga) were the teachers and coordinators of…