El enfermo como sujeto activo en la terapéutica (2007)

The objective of this debate held in Barcelona on 17 January 2007 was to gather a small group of people interested in different aspects relating to medicament treatment. The debate focused on four specific topics: the informed consent, the relationship between therapeutics and quality of life, the dilemma created by promising medicaments whose use is necessarily…


Aula El País: Women in science

Although one generation apart, two renowned female scientists coincide in their optimism for the future. Margarita Salas and Fátima Bosch see it as a matter of time that women start collecting the fruit of seeds sown over the years, that is, leaving behind a situation where women’s preeminent presence in classrooms and research teams fails to translate into promotion…


Molecular biology & pharmacology of tissue repair

The 12th Esteve Foundation Symposium was held from 4-7 October 2006 in S’Agaro (Catalonia, Spain) on the topic Molecular Biology and Pharmacology of Tissue Repair with 21 speakers from 7 countries all over the world. It was chaired by Sabine Werner, from the Institute of Cell Biology of Zurich (Switzerland) and this was the program of the…


Summer course ‘Bioethics today: unresolved questions’ with the University of Barcelona (2006)

Frequently, a technological advance in science leads to new ethical, moral and political challenges for society. Its implementation may lead to important cultural changes, not always in agreement with the established order and requiring a response by Law. Once the new policies have been enforced, however, new ethical problems arise which require new laws, always within…


7th edition – Palma de Mallorca, May, 8-9 2006

The seventh edition of the seminars on How to write a scientific paper was held in Son Llàtzer’s Hospital, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), May 8-9 2006. These seminars on this topic are targeted to postgraduates in health sciences with the aim to improve their knowledge and skills to write and publish scientific papers. Dr. Esteve…