8th Award: An anorexic lipid mediator regulated by feeding

This prize, offered biennially by the Esteve Foundation to the best work on pharmacological research, was awarded this year to the study An anorexic lipid mediator regulated by feeding, published in Nature (2001; 414:209-12). In this work, the main contribution was the discovery of Oleylethanolamide, a hormone that prevents the ingestion of more food than is necessary.…


7th Award: Modulation of acute and chronic inflammatory processes by cacospongionolide B, a novel inhibitor of human synovial phospholipase A2

This prize, offered biennially by the Esteve Foundation to the best work on pharmacological research, was awarded this year to the study Modulation of acute and chronic inflammatory processes by cacospongionolide B, a novel inhibitor of human synovial phospholipase A2, published in the British Journal of Pharmacology (volume 126, pages 301-311) in 1999. 


5th Award: Prevention of in vitro neutrophil-endothelial attachment through shedding of L-selectin by nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs

Eight doctors of the Service of Immunology of the Hospital La Princesa of Madrid were awarded the fifth Esteve Foundation Research Prize for their workPrevention of in vitro neutrophil-endothelial attachment through shedding of L-selection by nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation in 1995 (J. Clin. Invest. 95:1756-1765).


4th Award: Effect of adenosine A1 and A2 agonists and antagonists on cAMP and Ca2+ in cultured rat mesangial cells

The Esteve Foundation awarded its fourth Research Price ex-aequo to the following studies: Effect of adenosine A1 and A2 agonists and antagonists on cAMP and Ca2+ in cultured rat mesangial cells (Am. J. Physiol. 262:C840-844,1992), and Long term treatment with desipramine increases the turnover of alpha2-adrenoceptors in the rat brain (Mol. Pharmacol. 42:846-855,1992).


4th Award ‘ex aequo’: Long term treatment with desipramine increase the turnover of alpha2-adrenoceptors in the rat brain

The Esteve Foundation awarded its fourth Research Price ex-aequo to the following studies: Effect of adenosine A1 and A2 agonists and antagonists on cAMP and Ca2+ in cultured rat mesangial cells (Am. J. Physiol. 262:C840-844,1992), and Long term treatment with desipramine increases the turnover of alpha2-adrenoceptors in the rat brain (Mol. Pharmacol. 42:846-855,1992).

3rd Award: Activation of facilitation calcium channels in chromaffin cells by D1 dopamine receptors through a cAMP/protein kinase A-dependent mechanism

The study Activation of facilitation calcium channels in chromaffin cells by D1 dopamine receptors through a cAMP/protein kinase A-dependent mechanism, published by Nature in 1990 (348:239-242) was awarded the third Esteve Foundation Research Price. The jury considered that this was a fundamental contribution to the study of the relationships between calcium channels and neurotransmitters. The jury…


2nd Award: Tolerance to respiratory actions of sufentanil: functional tolerance and route-dependent differential tolerance

The second Esteve Foundation Research Prize was awarded to the study Tolerance to respiratory actions of sufentanil: functional tolerance and route-dependent differential tolerance, published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics in 1989 (250:371-378). The jury considered that this was a fundamental contribution to the knowledge of the mechanisms of narcotic dependence. The elucidation…


1st Award: Activation and desensitization of presynaptic alpha2-adrenoceptors after inhibition of neuronal uptake by antidepressant drugs in the rat vas deferens

In the year 1989, the Esteve Foundation started a new activity: Research Prizes would be awarded biennially to the best work on pharmacological research performed by Spanish authors and published in a scientific journal. The jury of this first call decided to award the prize to the Department of Pharmacology of the Faculty of Medicine…