Red Innovación Docente Farmacología

Online meeting of the Interuniversity Network of Teaching Innovation in Pharmacology

The Interuniversity Network of Teaching Innovation in Pharmacology constitutes an initiative of more than five years created to provide a common space where to share and exchange teaching experiences in this area. This includes research results and the material elaborated in different aspects of teaching innovation used in the teaching-learning process in Pharmacology in different…


Keys to Entrepreneurship in Medtech

This course will show you the personal experience of some of the leading medical technology and digital health entrepreneurs who are running innovative and international companies, encouraging you to choose entrepreneurship. These individuals will explain the keys to starting up your own business; the successes, failures, issues and satisfactions of entrepreneurship in Medtech and Digital…


The Foundation, at Advances in Computational Biology

The Dr. Antoni Esteve Foundation will be present at the Advances in Computational Biology conference organized by the International Society for Computational Biology on November 28 and 29, 2019 at La Pedrera in Barcelona. The conference will bring together researchers working on systems biology, omics technologies, artificial intelligence and high-performance computing with applications to biology…


School workshops on drugs

What are drugs? What parts are they made of? What types of drugs can we find? The Dr. Antoni Esteve Foundation and Funbrain have launched workshops that, through play, seek to bring the world of drugs closer to middle and upper cycle students. In the case of the 3rd and 4th Primary students, the sessions…


Lecture Reanimar el català. Dades i propostes per a la millora de la situació de la llengua en l’àmbit sanitari a Catalunya

La Societat Catalana del Diccionari Enciclopèdic de Medicina (de l’Acadèmia) organitza l’acte Reanimar el català. Dades i propostes per a la millora de la situació de la llengua en l’àmbit sanitari a Catalunya, que conduiran Òscar Ibàñez i Xavier Tenorio, de la Plataforma per la Llengua. Serà el proper dimecres, 20 de novembre de 2019,  les…

Conferencia sobre la necesidad de formación en la difusión de resultados en el Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro

NECESIDAD DE FORMACIÓN EN LA DIFUSIÓN DE RESULTADOS Fèlix Bosch, Fundación Dr. Antoni Esteve. Barcelona. Conferencia impartida el 19 de noviembre de 2019, dentro del curso de formación continuada organizado por el Servicio de Farmacología Clínica del Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro – Majadahonda de Madrid, bajo el titulo general de Investigación clínica en la…