Nutrients and drugs

Francisco Grande Covián, emeritus professor of the Department of Biochemistry of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Zaragoza, imparted the lecture Nutrients and drugs at the Royal Academy of Pharmacy. This was the fifth annual lecture organized by the Esteve Foundation and was held on May 26, 1988. Prof. Grande Covián’s name is…


New frontiers in pharmacokinetics

The Academic Year 1987-1988 of the Catalan Society of Pharmacology was inaugurated with the lecture New frontiers in pharmacokinetics, imparted by Prof. Alfonso Domínguez-Gil, Professor of Galenic Pharmacy of the University of Salamanca. The meeting was held at the Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands on October 19, 1987.


Cerebral vascular dynamics

Dr. Salvador Lluch, Professor of Physiology at the Autonomous University of Madrid, imparted the lecture Cerebral vascular dynamics, one of the inaugural acts of the Academic Year 1985-1986 of the Catalan Society of Pharmacology, in collaboration with the Esteve Foundation. The lecture was given at the Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia and the Balearic…