Definition of priorities in health policies

Health policies have faced and will continue to face serious tension as a result of economic adjustments. This means that more than ever, the priorities in health policies must be decided correctly. This involves choosing which policies should be applied by any administration here and now. To do this, the Spanish Society of Public Health…


Morales P, García L, Bosch F. Dos décadas de actividades puente entre la farmacología, la epidemiología y la salud pública en España. Gac Sanit 2015;29:224-7

Unsurprisingly, disciplines such as epidemiology, public health and pharmacology have points of confluence. Consequently, in Spain, both professionals and organizations from these disciplines have collaborated on many different activities altogether. This article compiles two decades of shared initiatives among these fields, coordinated by the Esteve Foundation. We discuss 20 collaborations, including face-to-face activities and joint…