11th edition – Barcelona, February, 14-15 2018

El curs El científic davant els mitjans de comunicació va tornar el 14 i 15 de febrer de 2018 passats als estudis de TVE a Sant Cugat per endinsar els científics en el funcionament d’una redacció periodística. Organitzat novament per la Fundació Dr. Antoni Esteve, Indagando TV, el CSIC i l’Instituto RTVE, aquesta experiència de dos dies permet conèixer la dinàmica de…


Philanthropy in research and innovation in biosciences

In our country, philanthropy is taking on more importance in the field of research, similarly to our environment, where it is the first beneficiary of donations, maintaining strong growth. In countries such as France and Italy, philanthropy represents between 2 and 3% of total income of research, with 600 and 930 M€. In the United…


4th edition – Barcelona, May, 19th 2017

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a learning method in line with the directives of the creation the European Higher Education Area and the approach of the Bologna Declaration, which require that the teaching-learning process facilitates the development of skills, so that students are more autonomous in managing learning. This teaching-learning process focusing on the student, underlines…


8th edition – Barcelona, May, 9-10 2017

Biomedical professionals need to be able to communicate their research proposals and findings effectively in writing. However, most professionals receive little specific training in scientific writing. Many have mistaken views about what good writing is and how to achieve it. Writing in a language that is not your mother tongue makes it even more difficult…