6th edition – Barcelona, February, 23-24 2016

Biomedical professionals need to be able to communicate their research proposals and findings effectively in writing. However, most professionals receive little specific training in scientific writing. Many have mistaken views about what good writing is and how to achieve it. Writing in a language that is not your mother tongue makes it even more difficult…


13th edition – Barcelona, February, 10-11 2016

Biomedical professionals need to be able to communicate effectively in writing and in speaking. However, most professionals receive little specific training in communication skills. Science is an international endeavor, and English is the lingua franca of the international scientific community. Although Spanish biomedical professionals invest heavily in learning English, they often lack the skills in…


Philanthropy in R&I Bioscience

In Catalonia, the proportion of funding for science that comes from the government is higher than in the rest of Europe. This difference is due to lower levels of private investment in R&I and of philanthropy in research centres, hospitals, and universities. Whereas foundations, individual donations, and philanthropic investors account for about 5% of total…


Definition of priorities in health policies

Health policies have faced and will continue to face serious tension as a result of economic adjustments. This means that more than ever, the priorities in health policies must be decided correctly. This involves choosing which policies should be applied by any administration here and now. To do this, the Spanish Society of Public Health…