5th edition- Barcelona, 22 and 23 January 2015

After four consecutive years at the Instituto RTVE of Madrid, on 22 and 23 October 2015, the course El científico ante los medios de comunicación (The scientist and the media) was held at the Sant Cugat TVE studios, for scientists to gain an in-depth view of an editorial staff. Once again organized by the Esteve Foundation, Indagando TV, the CSIC and…


Los públicos de la ciencia

Opinion polls usually reflect a preference of the public for science topics. Audience data, however, appear to show exactly the opposite. How interested is society in science? Which real audience has not only the traditional means offered by scientific contents, but also dissemination possibilities such as blogs or museums? How are social networks and internet…


Seminar on epidemiology for journalists and communicators

Are you a scientific journalist or communicator and have difficulties in understanding and explaining epidemiological studies? Are you interested in knowing how inequalities, access to service, the place of residence and other social factors influence health? Do you want to know where to find reliable information on the incidence and prevalence of cancer, Alzheimer and…


The public science

Opinion surveys often reflect the preference of the public for scientific subjects. However, audience ratings show exactly the opposite. Up to which point is society interested in science? What real audience not only has the traditional means to access scientific contents, but also others such as blogs or museums? The Esteve Foundation organized a new…


3rd edition – Madrid, 5-6, November 2013

The various debates organized by the Esteve Foundation between scientists and journalists always highlighted one weakness in science journalism: lack of communication between both parties. The range of specialized courses in science for journalists is extensive, however, we cannot say that the reverse is true. Medical personnel from both the field of research and the…


El científico ante los medios de comunicación. Retos y herramientas para una cooperación fructífera

Full document Full PDF [wpdm id=1202 type=”btn”] Chapters Presentación P. Morales [wpdm id=1203 type=”btn”] Participantes [wpdm id=1204 type=”btn”] 1. Protagonistas y públicos de la comunicación científica V. de Semir [wpdm id=1205 type=”btn”] 2. Periodismo científico: el desafío de compartir «información asombrosa» P. Jáuregui [wpdm id=1206 type=”btn”] 3. Ciencia y periodismo en la red P. Fernández…


2nd edition – Madrid, 7-8, November 2012

The various debates organized by the Esteve Foundation between scientists and journalists always highlighted one weakness in science journalism: lack of communication between both parties. The range of specialized courses in science for journalists is extensive, however, we cannot say that the reverse is true. Medical personnel from both the field of research and the…


1st edition – Madrid, 16-17, Novembrer 2011

The various debates organized by the Esteve Foundation between scientists and journalists always highlighted one weakness in science journalism: lack of communication between both parties. The range of specialized courses in science for journalists is extensive, however, we cannot say that the reverse is true. Medical personnel from both the field of research and the…