4th edition – Sabadell, October, 22-23 2012

If standing up and speaking in front of an audience is a source of anxiety, the stress is heightened even more when the official language of the conference, meeting or congress is English. On the 22nd and 23rd of October 2012, the Esteve Foundation organized at the Corporació Parc Taulí of Sabadell the fourth edition of the…


17th edition – Córdoba, October, 17-18 2012

When speaking in front of an audience, only 15% of what actually reaches the public corresponds to the spoken message. In contrast, more than half the information retained by listeners lies in nonverbal communication. Indeed, the lecturer’s posture, gesture and eye gaze tell a lot more on how he/she feels than mere words. These courses…


3rd edition – Terrassa, October, 4-5 2012

If standing up and speaking in front of an audience is a source of anxiety, the stress is heightened even more when the official language of the conference, meeting or congress is English. On the 4th and 5th of October 2012, the Esteve Foundation organized at the Fundació Docència i Recerca Mútua Terrassa the third edition of…


The Esteve Foundation, at the 6th European Congress of Pharmacology

La Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve estuvo presente en el encuentro sobre farmacología más importante de Europa, el que organiza la EPHAR (Federation of European Pharmacological Societies) y que durante cuatro días promueve la comunicación científica entre farmacólogos de todo el continente. El sexto European Congress of Pharmacology recaló por primera vez en España y lo hizo del…


Basic principles in Immunology: Immune-Mediated Diseases

The new advances in understanding the molecular and cellular bases of immune response opened a new era in the diagnosis and treatment of immune-mediated diseases. On June 14th, 2012, in Barcelona, the Caprese organization (within their training program Aula Ergos), in collaboration with the Esteve Foundation, organized a workshop on basic principles in immunology: immune-mediated…


Science Café on transplants

What causes a transplanted organ to be rejected? Can rejection be avoided? What is a compatible donor? Is there such a thing as completely compatible organs? These were some of the questions posed at the Science Café on Transplantation, the fourth and final café organized by by the Catalan Society of Immunology in collaboration with…

6th edition – Zaragoza, June, 8-9 2012

English remains one of the outstanding issues yet to be resolved among health professionals. Although 90% of biomedical English is Greek or Latin in origin, pronunciation and other aspects such as prepositions or prepositional verbs are the main problem areas for Spanish scientists. For that reason, on June 8-9, 2012, the Esteve Foundation launched the sixth edition…


2nd edition – Barcelona, May, 18-19 2012

If standing up and speaking in front of an audience is a source of anxiety, the stress is heightened even more when the official language of the conference, meeting or congress is English. On the 18th and 19th of May 2012, the Esteve Foundation organized at the Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) the second edition of…