3rd Award: Activation of facilitation calcium channels in chromaffin cells by D1 dopamine receptors through a cAMP/protein kinase A-dependent mechanism

The study Activation of facilitation calcium channels in chromaffin cells by D1 dopamine receptors through a cAMP/protein kinase A-dependent mechanism, published by Nature in 1990 (348:239-242) was awarded the third Esteve Foundation Research Price. The jury considered that this was a fundamental contribution to the study of the relationships between calcium channels and neurotransmitters. The jury…


The pharmacology of cell differentiation

On October 12-15, 1992, in Majorca, the Esteve Foundation organized the international symposium The pharmacology of cell differentiation, where general and specific mechanisms involved in the inter- and intra-cellular systems related to the transduction of signals involved in cell growth and development were explored. This scientific meeting was coordinated by R.A. Rifkind, from the Sloan-Kettering…


Memory pharmacology

Prof. Iván Izquierdo, from the Memory Center of the Institute of Biosciences of the Federal University of Río Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre, Brazil, imparted the lecture Memory pharmacology at the Royal Academy of Pharmacy on June 2, 1992. Iván Izquierdo is considered as one of the most qualified experts in the field of…


Terapéutica y calidad de vida

Therapeutics and quality of life was the central topic of the round table organized by the Esteve Foundation on May 5, 1992 in Barcelona. The objective: to improve the patients’ quality of life. Mª. V. Camps, from the Department of Ethics of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and Milagros Pérez-Oliva,…


Recherche en pharmacologie oculaire

Every year, the Esteve Foundation and the Catalan Society of Pharmacology inaugurate the latter’s Academic Year with a lecture at the Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. In this 1991-1992 course, the lecture was given on October 28 by Prof. Claude Bonne, under the title Research in ocular pharmacology.


2nd Award: Tolerance to respiratory actions of sufentanil: functional tolerance and route-dependent differential tolerance

The second Esteve Foundation Research Prize was awarded to the study Tolerance to respiratory actions of sufentanil: functional tolerance and route-dependent differential tolerance, published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics in 1989 (250:371-378). The jury considered that this was a fundamental contribution to the knowledge of the mechanisms of narcotic dependence. The elucidation…


El ensayo clínico como tarea cooperativa

Under the direction of Drs. A. Barlett, M.A. Serrano and J. Torrent, the round table The clinical trial as a cooperative task was held on May 24, 1991 in Barcelona. Dr. Antonio Esteve’s Monograph number 13 is published under the same name and with the same contents. Examples of submissions were: The clinical trial as…