How to disseminate your scientific project in a video for social media – 2nd online edition

The audiovisual format is becoming increasingly important in the face of the unstoppable rise of social networks, both in obtaining resources for research and in scientific dissemination. It is about reaching the target audience in an attractive, contemporary and understandable way. This new online course from the Dr. Antoni Esteve Foundation aims to establish the…


The future of scientific publications after COVID-19

According to PubMed, one of the main platforms for the search of scientific publications in the field of health sciences, between February 1 and November 30, 2020, more than 80,000 works related to COVID-19 were published, in its vast majority, in scientific journals. Possibly never before has a specific public health problem caused scientific attention…


ULAS Study (Linguistic Uses in Health Care)

65% of medical and nursing staff use Catalan regularly with patients. Regardless of the initial language, 73% adapt to the patient’s language. This is revealed by the preliminary results of the ULAS study (Linguistic Uses in Health Care) carried out by the Catalan Society of the Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Medicine (SocDEMCAT) and the Dr. Antoni…