From the desk to the raised platform: written and oral presentations in biomedicine 2 (2008)

How scientific results should be communicated orally and in writing. This is the double objective of the freely chosen subject imparted during the last two weeks of September 2008 at the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences of the Pompeu Fabra University, in collaboration with the Esteve Foundation. The originality of this teaching proposal, unprecedented in…


5th edition – Cáceres, April, 15-16 2008

When speaking in front of an audience, only 15% of what actually reaches the public corresponds to the spoken message. In contrast, more than half the information retained by listeners lies in nonverbal communication. Indeed, the lecturer’s posture, gesture and eye gaze tell a lot more on how he/she feels than mere words. These courses organized…

3rd edition – Santander, March, 31 2008

After six courses directed to new incorporations into Clinical Research Ethics Committees (CREC), one step forward was deemed appropriate. This time, the contents were customized to fit active members of committees that work specifically in the field of cancer research. The objective was to update the main aspects involved in the assessment of cancer clinical trials…