Applications of ubiquitin in drug development

The Academic Year 1990-1991 of the Catalan Society of Pharmacology was inaugurated with the lecture Applications of ubiquitin in drug development, imparted by Dr. Marta Izquierdo, from the Department of Molecular Biology of the Faculty of Sciences of the Autonomous University of Madrid. This meeting was held at the Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia…


The clinical pharmacology of biotechnology products

The diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases found different opportunities for the development of new agents in the new techniques of molecular biology. The goal of this international symposium, organized by the Esteve Foundation on October 7-10, 1990 in Majorca, was to ascertain how the potential of modern biomedical science could be extrapolated into reality…


Periodismo Científico: un Simposio Internacional

The increasing demand for information in today’s society has reached every area of knowledge. This obviously includes science, which should be able to respond with utmost efficacy and rigor. On May 30, 1990, the Esteve Foundation organized an international symposium on scientific journalism at the Association of Journalists of Catalonia, which gathered scientists, journalists and…


Metodología del ensayo clínico

On January 17, 1990, the Esteve Foundation organized the round table Clinical trial methodology with the purpose of clarifying and unifying the basic criteria for good clinical trial performance in our country. The submissions presented during this event are gathered in Dr. Antonio Esteve’s Monograph number 11. Among others, the topics discussed were practical problems…


Biotecnología de aplicación farmacéutica

A group of Spanish investigators from universities, healthcare sector, hospital centers and the pharmaceutical industry participated in the round table Biotechnology in pharmaceutical application to make their experimental work known. The objective was to analyze the scientific development of biotechnology in the pharmaceutical field, to describe the advances made and to design new strategies for…


1st Award: Activation and desensitization of presynaptic alpha2-adrenoceptors after inhibition of neuronal uptake by antidepressant drugs in the rat vas deferens

In the year 1989, the Esteve Foundation started a new activity: Research Prizes would be awarded biennially to the best work on pharmacological research performed by Spanish authors and published in a scientific journal. The jury of this first call decided to award the prize to the Department of Pharmacology of the Faculty of Medicine…